Transformative coaching, Reflexology,Reiki and Massage For body,mind and soul
Reiki is a hands - on healing technique, one of the most ancient healing methods known to man kind. It may have originated in Tibet and was re - discovered in the nineteenth century by a Japanese monk called Dr Mikao Usui. It is a natural and simple healing method which allows you to absorb more life force energy and balances the energies in your body. Reiki not only promotes your physical well being but also has a positive effect on your emotional and spiritual equilibrium. Each person's experience of reiki is unique to them but there are some common sensations such as heat, tingling, cool patches or energy moving around the body. Most people will feel an immediate sense of peace and tranquility as the relaxing and soothing energy helps to melt away stresses and tension. After the treatment many people feel relaxed, refreshed, clearer and more content in themselves.